Missouri S&T Finance and Operations shall:
- Perform their duties in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards
- Practice honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work
- Exhibit professionalism in the workplace, and conduct themselves in a way that will continue to promote the public's confidence in the integrity of the University
- Be fair-minded, non-discriminatory, and treat all individuals, both internal and external to the University community equitably, with civility, respect and dignity
- Fulfill their assigned responsibilities, and be proactive in developing the skills necessary to provide high job performance
- Exercise fiduciary responsibility with respect to safeguarding the University's assets
- Exercise custodial responsibility with respect to the use of University property and resources
- Exercise confidentiality with respect to information, records, and data management, respecting the rights and privacy of individuals
- Take action to mitigate any real or perceived conflicts of interest
- Continually demonstrate that environmental management is among the highest priorities and environmental responsibility is accepted as an integral part of operations.